• Geekstone
    02/11/23 06:00 PM

    Dive into Rust's Ownership System with Nenad Stojković

    Nenad Stojković
    NT Park, Novi Sad
    free entrance


Join us for an enlightening presentation by Nenad Stojković, software architect and a tech excellence officer, as he delves deep into the fascinating world of Rust's ownership system. Here's a sneak peek into the topics he will be exploring:

Rust in Pieces: Benefits of the Ownership System

Memory Efficiency: Discover how Rust ensures memory safety without the need for a garbage collector. Learn about its capabilities in reclaiming memory automatically once a variable is out of scope, greatly minimizing runtime overhead.

Concurrency Safety: Unveil Rust's design principles that inherently prevent data races. Dive into its borrowing rules that safeguard concurrent data access by allowing either one mutable reference or multiple immutable ones.

Clarity in Code: Understand how Rust's ownership and borrowing semantics amplify code clarity. See firsthand how they offer valuable cues about variable lifetime and mutability, benefiting both code writers and readers.

Performance Gains: Explore the reasons behind Rust's impressive performance metrics, especially given the absence of a garbage collector and its predictable memory patterns. Unearth why Rust stands out as an exceptional choice for systems programming.

Reduction in Common Bugs: Delve into how Rust's ownership principles act as a shield against numerous bugs that are frequently encountered in other languages, including null pointer dereferences, dangling pointers, and double frees.

In a nutshell, gear up for a journey that showcases Rust's avant-garde approach to memory and resource management, championing a new era of safer, swifter, and more transparent code. Save the date and be a part of this insightful session!

* The lecture will be held in Serbian.


See you on November 2nd, at 6 PM and don't forget to register!




Nenad Stojković

Nenad Stojković stands tall in the world of software with a decade-long experience, wearing the dual hats of a software architect and a tech excellence officer at the BrightMarbles Group. Currently immersed in academia, Nenad is also a dedicated Ph.D. student at the Faculty of Sciences in Novi Sad, where he continues to delve deeper into the realms of technology.

On the startup front, Nenad is making waves as the chief software architect for Raven - a groundbreaking platform focused on automated and personalized customer engagement. It’s essentially a one-stop-shop for businesses looking to streamline their customer data processes, from collection to management.

Technically speaking, Nenad is adept at a broad range of languages - Rust, C#, Java, C++, GO, JavaScript, and Python, to highlight a few. Beyond just coding, he's skilled in unraveling complex data structures and knows the nitty-gritty of database management. He holds a strong reputation for championing clean code and top-notch software architecture.

  • Danila Kiša 3v
    21000 Novi Sad

  • +381(69)701 456

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